
at 276 × 376 in enlighten_understanding.

Mercifull Father. I humbly beseech thee, that thou will be pleased to enlighten my understanding—that my mind may no longer be in doubts— also all who have called on thy name—that they may be favored with the influence of thy Holy Spirit, to see and understand the knowledge of the true light.
As a Query was put to me by two Methodist preachers, whether I understood English—I answered, there was a part I did not understand— Viz that many persons, who profess being enlightened with the true light, yet had not seen the
evil of one brother professor on making Merchandize of and holding his brother professor in bondage— this has often felt very trying to me, and in much Love, I beg leave to lay my request before the beloved United Society, assembled for the Methodist conferance in the City of New York, that they through the devine assistance may be enabled to clear this stumbleing block, and lighten the load that lays heavy on one who wishes well to all Mankind.
Signed Paul Cuffee
New York 5th mo. 16th. 1812